Language: English
2023-06-04, 13:30–14:00 (Asia/Tokyo), F1-2
How can instructors motivate, or re-motivate, students in an EFL setting using CALL? More specifically, what can be done to increase intrinsic motivation in the classroom? This study aims to answer that question through an explorative case study of students in blended-learning curriculums at a Japanese university. The study describes a method of raising student confidence through an increase in language practice time which can lead to more confident and better motivated learners by giving them successes they can refer to as proof of their ability to both learn and use English. This study utilized CALL recording and monitoring functions to facilitate conversations among the students. These small speaking activities, coupled with computer-based pronunciation training activities, helped students build confidence as they learned to converse in English, while having the safety net of individualized help and feedback from the instructors. Results suggest that the use of CALL can facilitate student interactiveness during F2F class. In addition, students with lower motivation and aptitude seemed to benefit from these F2F speaking and conversation activities that were enhanced through CALL. The data in this study is from teacher observations, test results, and questionnaires.
This is a case study exploring practices and methods for utilizing CALL to help foster intrinsic motivation in students learning English in a blended-learning curriculum.