Creating short conversational listening exercises using text-to-speech tools
2023-06-03, 10:10–10:40 (Asia/Tokyo), E1
Language: English

Although there are plenty of excellent listening resources available for a range of teaching situations, in some circumstances teachers may want to create short conversation-style listening exercises for their classes. Such exercises may be useful as a part of a topic introduction (two speakers talk about the lesson topic in a casual conversation) or else as a lead-in for a communication exercise (two speakers model a conversation). Despite the merits of using self-made listening exercises in class, the practicalities of making a recording and limited preparation time may make it difficult for teachers to do this on a regular basis, if at all. However, developments in text-to-speech technology may mean that we have reached a stage where a short written conversation can be converted to a usable listening exercise within a few minutes. In this show and tell, the presenter will outline how he has created conversational listening exercises using text-to-speech tools, share some examples, talk about his experiences of using the exercises in university classes, and invite participants to give their feedback on the samples and share their own experiences.

Can text-to-speech tools be used to prepare conversational listening exercises? The presenter will attempt to answer this question with samples that he has created for his own courses.