Language: English
2023-06-03, 16:15–16:45 (Asia/Tokyo), D1
With emerging technologies, such as machine translations and artificial intelligence, advancing at a rapid pace, language teachers are constantly under pressure to update their knowledge and skills in technology. Despite various online tools and training programmes currently available for language teachers, not much is known about how they are actually making use of such resources. The current study therefore set out to understand how language teachers are learning about technology for instructional purposes. Using multiple data collection methods, involving a wide-scale questionnaire which received a total of 482 responses from in-service language teachers in 78 different countries, in-depth interviews with 31 of the questionnaire respondents, and a post-interview questionnaire, the study sheds light into the ways in which language teachers are currently expanding their knowledge and skills in technology. The findings suggest that instead of relying on formal courses, many teachers were regularly learning through various informal means of learning, including reading blogs, journal articles, and email list messages, searching the web, watching videos, and participating in online teacher communities. Through this study, the current challenges for (CALL) language teacher education are identified, and implications for teachers, teacher educators, administrators, and policymakers are also suggested.
The current study offers a glimpse into what in-service language teachers in various parts of the world are doing to enhance their knowledge and skills in technology.