Becky Sanchez


Students’ attitudes towards using Google Docs for pair, group, and whole class peer review within a writing-intensive EFL course
Becky Sanchez, Michael Bischoff

Most studies on peer-review within ESL/EFL classrooms focus on pairs, some triads, and some small groups (Chang, 2016). Studies on larger groups of up to six have revealed opportunities for and increased reliability in feedback (Tuzi, 2004) but are few in number. Few studies focus on whole class peer review. With regard to mode of feedback, many studies investigate the effectiveness of using Google Docs for peer-review within an ESL/EFL classroom, but mostly within traditional pair formats (Saman & Rahimi, 2017). As such, there exists an opportunity for investigation into students’ attitudes towards various types of peer-review, including whole-class, as well as the utilization of Google Docs within the feedback process. The presenters will share the results of a year-long research project within two writing-intensive university EFL courses, in which various peer-review formats were employed, as well as both handwritten and Google Docs feedback. The presentation will focus on the students’ attitudes towards the various types of peer-review as well as their mode of feedback preferences. Attendees will leave inspired to be creative with peer review in their writing-intensive courses.

Flipping for the Future: Revamping the Post-Pandemic Classroom with Flipped Learning
Alexandra Sacramento, Becky Sanchez

Transforming the teacher’s role from “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side” (King, 1993), a flipped curriculum is not merely an online course, self-paced assignments, or collection of self-study materials, but rather a carefully crafted curriculum that shifts the bulk of content and assignments on the lower levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy outside of the classroom, and focuses in-class time on reaching higher levels of thinking with the guidance and support of the teacher. Compared with traditional classrooms, a flipped approach creates more opportunities for student engagement, increases student autonomy and motivation (Campillo-Ferrer & Miralles-Martínez, 2021), and allows for further student collaboration. In this presentation, participants will be guided through flipping using three easy-to-remember principals. Participants will leave equipped with resources to further enhance their students’ learning experiences and maximize classroom time.
